Sunday, August 29, 2010

Last weekend of August

In two days August will be over and September will be here. I know that everyone reading this knows what date it is and yes, after August does come September. But I had to type it out are read it a few times so that it could really sink in for me.
So here it goes again.
In two days August will be over and September will be here.

We had a great family weekend.
We were able to spend some time enjoying the great outdoors.

We took a family boat ride out on to the lake.
The little man is a little fearless when it comes to water and this makes me a little scared. He kept trying to reach from the back seat into the water. After talking to him more than enough times he came up and sat in the middle.
I was a little amazed by how many things were growing in the lake. And to think I would swim in this lake as a kid!?! Yuck! The lily pads (or lollipops as the little man called them) have started to take up far more of the lake than they did when I was a kid.

It was so peaceful and relaxing to be out on the water. I dont think it ever crossed my mind growing up on this lake that one day I would take my family here. But here we are.

I was just looking over my to do list and boy is it long. We are headed out to go camping on Wednesday and I still need to go shopping, take the little man to the dentist, wash all the mountains of laundry, bake a few last minute items, trim both of the boys hair and so much more. With a little help from coffee, the ergo and legos I will get everything done before Wednesday.

The little lady will turn 6 months old on our camping trip. I truly cant believe it. I tried my very hardest to exclusively breastfeed her for the first six months of her life (just like the doctor ordered) but a few weeks ago I started giving her solids. (There I said it) She was more than ready a month ago but I was not. I was not ready to give up the non smelly poo and the knowing that I am the one that can provide all of the nutrition that she needs.
I almost felt like I was depriving her if I did not give her solids because she really wanted them. I was really torn between what I wanted and what she wanted and of course she won. She has been very happy with my decision.
She is still doing really well with the potty.
Today was a great day until 5:30. We were driving in the car and I heard it. That sound. So once we got home I got her all cleaned up and into the bath the rest of the night went great until I was trying to put her to bed. She was sound asleep in my arms and I went to lay her down. She was rolling around trying to get comfy when I heard it again.
So after another bath (this one was in the sink) it was time for attempt number two to get her to sleep.
I think that it must be the zucchini bread that I gave her that is causing the poo. I thought that a little piece would be ok but I guess I was wrong. Oops! I would say that I typical catch 98% of the poos. But not today.
What a way to end the great weekend.

1 comment:

Michelle, Queen Behind the Lens! said...

Yeah, I'm right there with you, sis. Cannot believe summer is over! It's back to work for me tomorrow. Boo.