Wednesday, December 15, 2010

4th day of Christmas

On the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me four little handprints... three Amazon gift cards, two orange purees, and one romantic date night.
We got together with my friend who just happens to have two little one the same age as my littles. Four littles in one house equals lots and lots of entertainment.
The older boys had so much energy we had to come up with a somewhat structured activity. The conclusion baked hand print ornaments.
They turned our really cute. We decided to bake them for slower and longer so that they would not brown too much or crack. So we went with 200 degrees for an hour but they were still soft. So after bumping up the heat and flipping them over. They finally got done when it was time for us to leave. So I ended up leaving our hand prints there since they were much to hot to transport.
If you are looking for a great handmade Christmas gift these simple cute hand prints should fit the bill.

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