When I came down to get him this was the scene
but a few minutes later he was covered with pink sticky goo.
I thought that he was going to be bouncing off the walls because of all the sugar and food dye but he was as calm as can be.
Later that night the little man went over to my parents house while the hubby and I went out to dinner. We have gone out to dinner on Valentines day in years past but it is just a mad house. The little man did not even notice/ care that we were not there. Maybe we need to go out to dinner just the two of us more than just once a year.
Today for the 'real' Valentines day we went down to the Meadows at Chambers Bay to watch the hubby fly kites. There was not much wind so there was not much kite flying going on. We had a picnic. It was a very nice day, not too cold or rainy.
We got the little man a elmo kite that we were able to get up in the air for a little while.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Valentines day.