Thanksgiving day has come and gone.
I guess I did an OK job on my first Thanksgiving dinner. I dont know if I am going to host it next year. I ONLY forgot to make the broccoli salad, cought the oven on fire and put way too much sugar in the whip cream. I could not of done it with out my Sister or my Mom. We will be eating turkey for weeks. We cooked a 22 lb bird. I think I am going to grow feathers and start saying gobble, gobble before we eat all of this turkey. It was a great low key evening. The kid played well with each other and the Little man did not pee his pants!!!
In years past my hubby spends the day after putting up tons and tons of lights (over a week or more) but this year we only put up a few strans (thanks to the economy).
Here are a few pictures to compare from last year.
Last years lights...
This years lights...
The little man last year...
The little man this year...